- Johnakin Middle School
- About the Teacher
Jayapuram, Renola
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Phone: 843-423-8360
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelors in Arts, Bachelors in Education(English, Social Studies), Bachelors in Special Education(Multi-Categorical) Masters in English, M.Phil (part-A) in English
Mrs. Renola Christumani Jayapuram -Core Replacement Teacher 6th-8th Grade
I am a Core Replacement-Special Education teacher.
I am from India, a land of differrent cultures, religions, languages and it is known for its rich heritage.
I have graduated from Osmania University, India with a Bachelor’s degree in Arts, Bachelor’s degree in Education (English and Social Studies as methodologies) and a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education (Multi categorical)
I have a Master’s degree in English from Osmania University, India and M.Phil (Part-A) in English from Nagarjuna University, India
I have 25 years of experience in handling English and Special education students
My husband Vincent is an Advocate and I am blessed with a daughter Angelina, who is doing Bachelors in Biology and a son Aashish, who is in 12th grade
My hobbies include cooking, singing, Counselling, spending time with my family
I love children and am passionate about teaching, I strive hard to bring out the potential in my students
I strongly believe that, “If you trust in God, Have faith in your potential, Ready to go that extra mile, You can move any mountain.”