
    SEL Checkin

    Topic:Reading comprehension 

    Standard:RL. 4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. Meaning and Context.

    Objectives: Students will be able to read the given text with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension ,meaning and context.

    Mini Lessons:

    Student Work: We do:
                            You do:
    Technology Integration:

    Key Vocabulary: Main idea

    Instructional Learning Activities( 60 minutes )
    The teacher reads the passage and makes the students read the passage following proper pronunciation to comprehend the text and understand the Main idea
    1. In a small group the students along with the teacher go over the skills
    2. Guided practice with the help of the teacher.
    3. Independent practice to completethe assignments

    Small Group:

    Assessment of student learning:


    SEL Checkin

    Topic:    SC Ready review exercises              

    Standard: 6.NS.3 Fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide multi-digit decimal numbers using a standard algorithmic approach.

    Objectives: Students will be able to  add and subtract


    Mini Lessons:

    Student Work: We do:
                            You do:
    Technology Integration:

    Key Vocabulary: Subtraction,Take away, minus, difference,add, putting together, multiply

    Instructional Learning Activities( 60 minutes )
    The teacher explains different examples on the given topic.
    1. In a small group the students along with the teacher go over the skills
    2. Guided practice with the help of the teacher.
    3. Independent practice to completethe assignments

    Small Group:

    Assessment of student learning:
