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Marion County Healthcare Foundation Winners

Congratulations to the following teachers for receiving mini-classroom grants. We would like to express our gratitude to the Marion County Healthcare Foundation for their generous support, which makes innovative learning experiences possible for our students.

Creek Bridge STEM Academy

Kim Stone- Girls and Bots Club

Cassidy Campion- Class Set of Tablets

Sherry Flowers- The Outdoor Classroom

Kayla Harrelson- Class Set of Tablets

Kelsey Johnson and Cassie Martin- Class Set of iPads


Academy of Early Learning

Stephanie Stinehart and Renee Odom- Sensory Integration Materials


North Mullins Primary School

Nancy Caulder- Memory Albums


Easterling Primary School

Dr. Tavernier- Addition the Fun Way Mural


Mullins High School

Marc Lowery- Fitness and Sports Performance Equipment


Palmetto Middle School

Cherelle Foxworth- Let's Jazz It Up!

Chango Harry- Mandala Art Materials

Prashanth Paspula- Hands-On Field Trip Learning Experiences


Johnakin Middle School

Henry McGill- Spelling Club & Math County Team


Academy for Careers and Technology

Kwame Hennagen- Video Production Equipment