• Michael Stone / Director of CTE

    The Academy for Careers and Technology is helping all students develop world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the SC Graduate by providing a safe, caring, and academically challenging learning environment. We provide this environment through the implementation of our vision: for every student who successfully completes a program of study to be gainfully employed, enrolled in a post-secondary educational program, or join the military. We demonstrate the vision by challenging our students using the best teaching practices to reach their full potential and by continuous professional development of our teachers in the following technical programs: Auto Collision Repair, Auto Technology, Computer Assisted Drafting and Design, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Entertainment Technology, Mechatronics, Practical Nursing, and Sports Medicine.

    Our teachers are always seeking to learn new and effective strategies to use in the classroom by: attending conferences, taking college courses, and attending industry level workshops and tours. These successful strategies can be seen in the 68 students who completed programs of study, producing 21 honor graduates, and 14 Practical Nursing graduates. The school has 5 student organizations: HOSA, ProStart, SkillsUSA, FIRST Robotics, and the National Technical Honor Society providing students with opportunities for leadership and competition on local, state, and national levels.

    The school boasts numerous business and community partnerships. In conjunction with these partnerships, the school strives to improve in the areas of public relations, student recruitment, and technology in efforts to grow and improve the educational opportunities for the students of Marion County. This year, the school had students receive 248 certifications in the following areas: EPA Auto Body Regulations, SP/2, ASE Auto Collision and Auto Technology, SC Cosmetology License, CPR/First Aid, ProStart, ServeSafe, ServSafe Manager, and Practical Nursing NCLEX Exam. At the Academy for Careers and Technology, we believe that to strengthen the community, we must prepare students for employment in a changing global workforce. Thank you for all of your continued support in helping in the development of our future South Carolina graduates and leaders of tomorrow.

    Michael Stone

    Director of C.T.E.

    Marion County School District