Our school's School Improvement Council (SIC) is made up of parents, teachers, community members, sometimes students, administrators, and school leaders. They are an advisory team that is focused on school improvement. SIC is required at every K-12 public school by law.
What do they do?
They are here to input and provide feedback on improvements and attainable solutions, so students are equipped for success. Whether that be challenging them academically, addressing personal resources, or preparing them for the next step in their educational journey.
What can I do?
Get involved with our children's futures'. No matter your background, education or personal, you are capable of enacting change in our students.
The vision of the SC School Improvement Council is:
"To promote and support civic engagement for quality public education in South Carolina.”
The mission of the SC School Improvement Council is:
"To facilitate meaningful parent and community involvement in our state’s public schools by providing resources, tools and strategies to local School Improvement Councils and other stakeholder groups."