• Dear Parents/Guardians:

    My name is Taylor Rogers and I am the nurse at MES. This is my 4th year here at McCormick, and I look forward to caring for all of our students. 

    Children learn best when they are healthy, well rested, and have had nutritious meals and snacks. If your child is sick, please keep your child at home and monitor their symptoms. Seek medical treatment if needed. Please call the school and inform us that your child is sick.

    Here are some helpful tips from DHEC that we follow:

    Diarrhea- Keep your child home if he or she has 3 or more loose stools in 24 hours. Your child may return when they have no more than 2 loose stools.

    Fever- Keep your child home for a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher AND experiencing behavior change or other signs of illness. Your child may return when they no longer have a fever for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medicine.

    Rash- Keep your child home if the rash is associated with change in behavior, fever, tenderness, oozing, or is an open wound that can’t be covered.

    Vomiting - Keep your child home if unexplained vomiting has occurred 2 or more times in a 24-hour period. Your child may return when they are well enough to participate in routine activities after the 24-hour period has expired.

    A student who is seen by a physician and started on antibiotics for a bacterial infection should stay out of school for 24 hours after treatment has begun. All incidences of communicable diseases such as chickenpox, head lice, impetigo, flu, strep throat, fifths disease, scarlet fever, & herpes simplex should be reported to the school nurse.


    If you need us, please do not hesitate to call. We are here to help and guide you. We are here to try our best to keep your children healthy.


    Prevention is key.


    Taylor Rogers, RN

  • Medication Policy

    Any medication to be given at school must be signed by both the parent and the physician before it can be given. For safety reasons, all medications need to be properly labeled and brought to school by parents. Please do not send medication in with students. Any questions feel free to call the school. Here's the form that needs to be brought.


    HEALTH FORMS: All state-mandated health forms for students entering 3rd and 5th grade are to be completed by the student's physician. In addition, dental forms were also sent. Please return these forms as soon as possible.


    If your student has a health condition or needs special care during the school day such as medication, treatment, or monitoring, please inform the school nurse. Individual health care plans help keep your students safe and healthy.

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