- North Mullins Primary School
- Nurse News
My name is Deidre Tarte. I have been a nurse for 23 years. I graduated from Lake View High School in 1997. I then attended Marion Mullins Vocational School from 1999-2001, where I obtained my Practical Nursing License. In 2016, I decided to further my education and began attending Florence Darlington Technical College from 2016-2018, where I obtained my associates degree in nursing. I have been with Marion County School District for 13 years and at North Mullins Primary for the past 7 years.
When I'm not working, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I was raised and currently live in Lake View, SC with my husband Joe, and my 2 kids, Taylor and Hunter.
I look forward to taking care of each and every student here at North Mullins Primary.
If your child is sick, please keep your child home and monitor their symptoms. Seek medical treatment if needed. Please call your child’s school nurse and inform them that your child is sick.
If you need us, please do not hesitate to call!! We are here to help and guide you. We are here to try our best to keep your children healthy.
Wash your hands!! Prevention is key!!
Due to the increase of illness within the school we would like to provide you with a little information on illnesses we are seeing the most. Things like strep throat, fever, vomiting, and flu like symptoms. Flu season is on the rise.
According to DHEC’s school exclusion list Strep Throat is transmitted (passed) through droplet (coughing or sneezing) or contact with contaminated objects. Students who have been diagnosed with strep throat should not return until no temperature (98.6 F) and at least 12 hours after treatment has been started.
Student who have been vomiting (throwing up) 2 or more times during the previous 24 hours should not return until at least 24 hours has passed with no further vomiting. No exclusion is required for a brief, nonrepeating episode of vomiting with no other signs of severe illness.
Influenza/ Influenza-like Illness (ILI) ILI is defined as an oral temperature of > 100° F with a cough and/or sore throat for which there is no other known cause. Student are unable to return until at least 24 hours after fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medicines like Tylenol or Motrin.
Please please please do not send you sick, still recovering from illness, feverish child to school to infect the healthy students and staff.
Thank you!!
Contact Information
Deidre Tarte, RN
North Mullins Primary School Nurse
105 Charles Street
Mullins, SC 29574
Phone: 843-464-3750 Ext. 5044
Fax: 843-464-3756
Email: dtarte@marion.k12.sc.us
Helpful Links
South Carolina Immunization Requirements 2024-2025
South Carolina Immunization Requirements 2024-2025
Medication Procedure Forms
Marion County School District Medication Procedure Information and Forms